About FMN

Faith Matters Network is an innovative organization centered on womanist wisdom that accompanies spiritually grounded leaders in their journey to heal themselves and their communities.
Empowering faith leaders, social activists, and community organizers towards spiritual sustainability

FMN Founder's Story
Faith Matters Network is an innovative organization centered on *womanist wisdom that accompanies spiritually grounded leaders in their journey to heal themselves and their communities. Because no one transforms their community alone, we empower faith leaders, social activists, and community organizers through resource-sharing, coaching, and cohort-based learning that builds a vast network of folks who can connect on their passion for equity and justice. Faith Matters Network creates communal spaces across race, class, and religious/spiritual background where leaders can develop new leadership skills, gain new perspective, and understand one another’s struggle and vision in movement work. Since 2014 we have accompanied and trained more than 10,000 leaders and provided a national platform for them to share their work. Faith Matters Network is not just an organization, we’re a network of changemakers– and our partnerships exist locally, nationally, and across both rural and urban communities. We are the refuge from your burnout in movement work. Welcome! We’re happy you’re here.

To equip and nurture a thriving network of spiritually grounded leaders who embody a spirit for social justice and a heart for creating a more equitable and compassionate world. We accompany individuals, communities, and social movements towards personal and collective transformation through trainings, learning experiences, and resource-sharing.
We envision a world where communities are rooted in spiritual wisdom, connection, and healing justice. We see rest and spiritual care as an essential piece to the puzzle of rewriting the harmful narratives that have been perpetuated by our current democracy. We foresee the future of social movements being centered on sustainable practices that foster spiritual renewal.



Spiritual Sustainability
Womanist Identity

A womanist is one who values the soul and the well-being of the Black community.
At Faith Matters Network, we extend this to value the soul and well-being of a wider national and global diasporic community. We embody our womanist values through a transformative and innovative approach to leadership that centers on the experiences and perspectives of Black women. Womanist leadership seeks to dismantle intersecting systems of oppression– including racism, sexism, classism, and more– while uplifting the voices and needs of those who have been marginalized and silenced. Our three values at Faith Matters Network– connection, spiritual sustainability, and accompaniment– are all inspired by these Womanist principles and are the catalyst to creating spaces that are centered on social justice and community building.